President Iohannis – meeting with EU ambassadors: We hope positive decision on Schengen to be adopted this year


President Klaus Iohannis had a meeting on Wednesday with the ambassadors of the European Union member states accredited in Bucharest, in which context the topic of Schengen was also addressed, expressing hope that a positive decision will be adopted during this year for Romania’s accession to the free movement area.

“President Klaus Iohannis also addressed the topic of Romania’s accession to the Schengen area, which continues to be a priority objective for our country, reaffirming that Romania is a principled and reliable partner of the European Union, which acts constantly and with dedication to protect and strengthen the external borders of the EU, including for the efficient management of illegal migration. Thanking the European partners for the broad support for our country’s accession to Schengen, the President of Romania expressed hope that a positive decision in this regard could be adopted during this year, with the support of the future Spanish Presidency of the Council”, informs the Presidential Administration.

During the meeting, current topics on the European agenda were discussed, including in view of the European Council on June 29-30.

The head of state thanked the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council for the efforts undertaken in advancing the European agenda in a difficult context, marked by the continuation of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and its complex consequences at the regional and global level.

He emphasized that Romania would continue to act for a strong and resilient European Union and for the protection of common European values and interests. Iohannis also highlighted the need to maintain the EU’s ability to offer pragmatic and united responses to current challenges, showing that European unity represents an extremely strong signal both for partners and for those interested in dividing the Union, the Presidential Administration stated.

In this context, the president referred to the recent Summit of the European Political Community successfully organized by the Republic of Moldova on June 1, evoking the unitary message of support for Chisinau, as well as for Ukraine, sent on this occasion, but also the reconfirmation of the strategic relevance of the Eastern Neighborhood and of the Black Sea region.

In the perspective of the discussions that will take place during the European Council meeting regarding Ukraine, the head of state highlighted the need to maintain strong support from the EU for this country, as long as it will be necessary. President Iohannis recalled that our country strongly condemned the attack by Russian forces on the Nova Kakhovka dam. The head of state also emphasized the importance of the 11th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation, welcoming the agreement on it reached on Wednesday in Brussels, at the level of the ambassadors of the member states.

Klaus Iohannis also referred to the importance of continuing the process of expanding the European Union, pleading, in this sense, for the opening of accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine this year.

“Considering the multiple crises of recent years and their effects, the President of Romania voiced the revitalization of discussions at the European level on the topic of civil protection, indicating that he will raise this topic at the European Council at the end of this month, as a unified European response is necessary and coordinated in the case of large-scale disasters, based on a long-term commitment, a better use of financial resources and an extended approach at the level of the entire society”, says the Presidential Administration.

With regard to the complex challenges at the economic level, President Iohannis spoke for strengthening the sustainability and competitiveness of the EU economy, taking into account the national specificities and the different degrees of development of the member states, in the process of transforming the European economy towards a future green.

The head of state conveyed to the future Spanish Presidency of the EU Council, which will start on July 1, success in fulfilling the established objectives, reaffirming Romania’s openness to cooperate closely for a strong Union, prepared to face current and future challenges.

During the discussions, topics of immediate relevance were also addressed, such as the progress of Ukraine’s accession to NATO, which Romania fully and actively supports, and the consolidation of the Eastern Flank, in the context of the preparations for the Allied Summit in Vilnius, the reconstruction of Ukraine , the future of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Romania’s support for the transit of Ukrainian products, the situation of the European economy, the future of the European defense industry, as well as the EU-China relations being highly appreciated. The meeting with the ambassadors of the EU member states was organized on the occasion of the conclusion, at end-June, of the mandate of the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council. AGERPRES