Premier Ciolacu says he'll make correct decisions for Romania, Romanians in 2024

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Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu declared on Thursday night for the Romania TV private broadcaster that he will make correct decisions for Romania and for the Romanians in 2024, the election year, which also implies the reform of the budget system, Agerpres reports.

Asked what message he sends to Romanians for 2024, Ciolacu said: “We have to rebuild this partnership between politicians, the government, the administration and people. A chasm has been created that is too big. We have been on the verge of a social crisis far too often in Romania after the pandemic, something that can be seen now. I will make the right decisions for Romania and for the Romanians. The political costs will be voted on. The Romanians will decide and they are always right. I will also undertake the reform of the budget system, regardless of whether it is a campaign election, as we did with Schengen (membership, ed. n.). When you look and see … some who, powerless, did nothing and left nothing behind and when, in the end, we manage to take two steps forward, we, the Romanians, out of small, petty political interests, we want so much to harm ourselves”.