PM Ciolacu, Czech Senate president Vystrcil discuss bilateral cooperation and regional security


Bilateral cooperation and common European and regional issues were on the agenda of the meeting that prime minister Marcel Ciolacu had on Tuesday at the Victoria Palace (gov’t venue) with the Czech Senate president, Milos Vystrcil, on a visit to Romania, the government said in a press release.

Prime minister Ciolacu appreciated the Czech support for Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area and backing for the Republic of Moldova’s European path, agerpres reports.

“Regional security issues were also a topic of discussion. In this context, the president of the Czech Senate welcomed the substantial assistance provided by our country to Ukraine, including for the transit of grain. The officials of the two countries agreed that Romania and the Czech Republic should have a common voice in the effort to restore citizens’ confidence in the values of democracy and the rule of law in order to diminish the trend of populism present in several EU Member States,” the press release said.

Marcel Ciolacu stressed the importance of bilateral economic cooperation, a central pillar of Romanian-Czech relations, in a context in which, in 2022, the total volume of trade reached a record level of 6 billion euros.