I want Romania not to be involved in 'any war', AUR's head Simion says


I want Romania not to be involved “in any war”, said on Monday the president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), George Simion, the party’s candidate for the presidential elections, when asked about his foreign policy priorities, if he becomes president.

“I want Romania not to be involved in any war, president George Simion will not take Romania out of the European Union, but he will put it fully in Schengen and, at the same time, president George Simion aims at Romania’s accession to the Visegrad Group,” Simion pointed out.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, he said that he opposes “any military support to another country.”

“We oppose any military support to any other country and to war. I will be a president of peace and, compared to the soldier who serves the country, I don’t know which country, probably the country of others, compared to a deputy secretary general of NATO, I will militate for peace. Romania was once a promoter of peace at the international level and I want us to become a mediator and a negotiator of peace again, moreso in the conflict in Ukraine, in the case of Russian military aggression in Ukraine, and in the Middle East. How do I see conflict resolution? Through peace-loving leaders, such as president Donald Trump, in the United States,” he concluded.