Hiking prices, region's war – main factors of concern for Romanians in 2023

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The increase in prices (29%) and the war in the region (24%) remain the main factors that determined the concern of Romanians in 2023, according to a survey carried out by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy – IRES.

According to the sociological research, published on Thursday, almost four out of 10 Romanians (39%) place the increase in prices as the event that had a negative impact on Romania this year, followed by Romania not being admitted to Schengen area (24%), by the explosion in Dambovita County’s Crevedia in the evening of August 26 (15%) and the increase in taxes and fees for entrepreneurs (8%).

Another 6% of the participants in the survey say that the teachers’ strike (May – June) is the event that has had a negative impact on our country, 4% indicate the doping accusations against Simona Halep, and 3% talk about the rotation of governing parties.

In the top of concerns, the fear of illness (10%) has decreased in intensity, being placed in fourth place, ahead of the lack of jobs (12%), the survey points out.

The political crisis was a factor of concern for 6% of Romanians, the reduction of income and the lack of perspective for 4% of them, and loneliness and job insecurity for two percent.

According to the survey, more than a third of the participants in the poll did not have “any reason for great joy” in 2023. On the other hand, almost half of the participants in the sociological research say that they have not faced a situation that would cause them great sadness this year.

The survey was conducted between December 12 and 19, using the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing method, on a volume of 1,075 individuals aged 18 and over. The survey has a maximum tolerated error of plus/minus 3%, being representative for the adult, non-institutionalized population in Romania, it is part of the social responsibility programme of IRES and is self-financed.