IntMin Predoiu about Schengen accession, after Salzburg Forum: Discussions brought progress


IntMin Predoiu about Schengen accession, after Salzburg Forum: Discussions brought progress

The minister of internal affairs, Catalin Predoiu highlights, in a statement after the Salzburg Forum, the progress in the discussions about Romania’s accession to Schengen and states that there is a big difference compared to a few months ago, a basis “on which one can built”.

“We had, during these previous months, complicated discussions and they still remain complicated discussions, but at the same time, there is clearly a big difference compared to a few months ago. I don’t want to evaluate whether it is a lot or a little. It’s something else, it’s something that we can build on, that we can continue on. The efforts that are being made by our delegation and by the Bulgarian delegation and the Austrian one, but at the same time by the Commission and the Spanish Presidency in this discussion framework, but also the efforts made by other colleagues from other member states, who support these discussions, are directed precisely in the direction of obtaining a tangible, concrete result in December”, Predoiu said in a press statement held on the occasion of the Salzburg Forum organized in Slovenia.

The minister announced that he had discussions related to the technical possibilities of making a decision in December. Predoiu addressed the requirements imposed by Austria and mentioned that they are not “conditions”, but “adjacent measures”. He explained that “Romania applies these procedures (…) according to the Schengen criteria and the Dublin Agreement”.

The minister mentioned, related to the fears related to the transfer of illegal migrants from Austria, that this refers only to those initially registered in Romania.

“It is a matter of proceeding with the repatriation of those citizens who entered through Romania, were registered in Romania, in EURODAC or in the SIS – Schengen System and then migrated illegally to Austria. According to the Dublin rules in force, once they are captured in Austria and you find that they are in a state of illegal migration, according to the existing rules, they are sent to the country where they came from, that is, to Romania. It is not about any other procedure. (…) This year we are talking about 120 citizens,” Predoiu also said.

He confirms that Romania already complies with the Schengen criteria, without the need for additional measures. “The discussions are positive and bring progress,” concluded Predoiu.