Talks on extraordinary JHA Council meeting on Schengen file at December-end (sources)

At the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting, scheduled to take place in Brussels on December 4 and 5, having on its provisional agenda Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area, there will not be a vote on the subject, government sources said on Tuesday, told Agerpres.

According to the sources, there are discussions about organising an extraordinary JHA Council meeting towards the end of December, where Romania’s accession to Schengen would be considered in two stages, the first being with the entry of the air borders into the European free movement area, from March 2024.

The accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen area is on the provisional agenda of the Justice and Home Affairs ministers’ meeting in Brussels in early December, according to the agenda published on the Council’s website.

The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting is scheduled for December 4 and 5, and, according to the provisional agenda, on the second day of the meeting there would be an exchange of views on the general situation in the Schengen area and a possible vote on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria.