AUR’s Simion: Romania joined a group of 9 countries in the EU asking waiver of the veto.

Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) Chairman George Simion stated on Monday that Romania joined a group of 9 countries at the European Union level that are calling for waiver of the veto when it comes to foreign policy, without a public consultation on the topic, told Agerpres.

“A topic we want to talk about is how Romania has unexpectedly joined a group of 9 countries at the European Union level that are calling for a change in the manner in which the EU works and for the waiver of the veto when it comes to foreign policy. Neither Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu nor Klaus Iohannis have in any way made this intention public and have basically undermined the power of the people. It is not possible to take such decisions without a public consultation, without even announcing it, without going out in a press conference,” Simion told a news conference at the Palace of Parliament.

MEP Cristian Terhes asked the Foreign Affairs minister to withdraw “this public endorsement he made regarding Romania’s waiver of the veto.”

“We want to draw attention to this unilateral renunciation, at least as currently stated by Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu, of Romania’s veto right on EU security and foreign policy matters. I have heard many commentators and opinionate people say that Romania agrees to give up the veto because if we gave up the veto we would join Schengen. A greater stupidity than this has never been heard. (…) Many times Romania has been unfairly treated at European level, absolutely every decision which is made there is often against the nations of Europe and against the Romanian nation, but who is stopping you, president and representative of the Romanian state, from exercising this veto right that you have and giving in exchange and asking in exchange?,” Terhes stated.